Every "political marks" here are ABSOLUTLY NOT propaganda stuffs. They are here only for historical purpose. Only to remember us the tragedies of our history.

giovedì 5 maggio 2016

IL-2 Clod Ju-87 B-2 Regia Aeronautica 237a sq Skin

Another historical skin (apart from the MM number that is randomic) for the Ju-87 B-2. This one belonged to 237a squadriglia of 96° Gruppo based on Lecce Galatina during Winter 1940. The tough part was rebuilding the devil logo of the 237 squadriglia using a photo. The process was the same for the duck of the previous skin but this was more difficult.

The devil's logo photo that I use to rebuilt it: 

 The image I used as a reference:

mercoledì 4 maggio 2016

IL-2 Clod Ju-87 B-2 Regia Aeronautica 236a sq Skin

This is an historical skin of the "Picchiatello", the italian name for the Junkers 87 B-2 Stuka.
The one I choose to paint was one of the first stuka delivered to Regia Aeronautica in the summer  1940. It belonged to 236a squadriglia of 96° Gruppo based on Comiso, Sicily.
I enjoyed working on it and I probably will make other picchiatello skins in the future.
Thanks to checkmysix for his template that I used as a base to create mine.

This was the image I used as a reference: